Help Athletes for Equity in Sport Raise $10K in 60 Days

In loving memory of Patrick “Packy” McGaughan’s unwavering passion for and commitment to the mission of Athletes for Equity in Sport, please help us deliver his message to Congress regarding Senate Bill S.2330 – Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019. Packy dedicated the last eight months of his life to the sport he loved and to lobbying efforts on behalf of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES).
AES is a broad-based group formed by coaches, parents, owners, and athletes involved in Olympic sports. Our mission is to ensure equity in SafeSport procedures. DONATE by visiting, where you’ll also find details about AES’ mission and Senate Bill S.2330.
More Information
AES has a 3-pronged strategy for effecting changes to achieve equity in SafeSport procedures:
1. Legislation
Packy took on the legislation prong, working closely with Tom Sheridan of The Sheridan Group to get the necessary contacts for AES to secure a registered lobbyist in Washington, DC. We want to continue Packy’s legislation program and bring it to full fruition.
2. Litigation
Legal plans of action have been formulated and are ready to be executed at the appropriate time(s).
3. Education
AES informational meetings; letter campaign to Congress; video statements from athletes and coaches; and social services wraparound programs, plus additional support to be announced in the summer of 2020.
Thank you for donating in honor of Packly!!