Athletes for Equity in Sport is working daily toward achieving substantive change in SafeSport procedures. This means legally defining SafeSports’ rights and duties.

The members of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES), along with our legal counsel, are actively engaged in this endeavor. For the past twenty-five (25) weeks, we have sent letters to Congress; this month (January 2020), we are up-leveling our mail-out to  535 weekly letters. The responses received from the letter writing campaign have been very encouraging with leaders in TOP positions in Washington D.C. very concerned regarding the lack of constitutional rights in the SafeSport process.  Athletes for Equity in Sport will continue this letter campaign until SafeSport procedures become fair and impartial, affording equity.

In addition, we are meeting monthly with major worldwide news organizations, whose journalists are becoming as uncomfortable as we are with the unconstitutional ways of SafeSport.

Meanwhile, with the help of counsel and the members of Athletes for Equity in Sport, we have mapped out various legal strategies to be launched at the appropriate intervals.

To date, Athletes for Equity in Sport has held two public information sessions with athletes involved in the SafeSport process and their representatives. These participants shared their firsthand experience with navigating SafeSport’s inconsistent and poorly constructed protocols, which in practice are very different from what SafeSport publicly stated in recorded presentations or has put in writing.

Officials in various sports’ National Governing Bodies (NGBs) attempt to dismiss the truth of these individuals’ firsthand reports, calling them “myths”. This has inspired athletes in other sports — members of other NGBs and LAO (Licensed Affiliate Organizations) — to contact Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES). These athletes stand with Athletes for Equity;  joining as members and adding their voices to AES’ demand for change.

We are planning a third public information session soon; more details will be forthcoming ASAP.

Going forward, there are more NGB cases ( USEF X HEARING and others) that Athletes for Equity in Sport is watching closely. When more information becomes available, we will share it with you.

Please continue your efforts as well. To become a member of Athletes for Equity, click JOIN US at For updated letter and article postings, click on NEWS & TESTIMONIALS. Contact us with any comments or questions:

Athletes for Equity in Sport is dedicated to an equitable SafeSport process —  one that is fair and impartial for both the reporter and the accused. Only by effecting this change do we protect all of our athletes.

Thank you to all our members and those who are donating. Your support is making change possible in SafeSport  procedures.

The Executive Group Athletes for Equity in Sport

Athletes For Equity In Sport, Inc.
Our Mailing Address is:
Athletes For Equity in Sport, Inc.
7942 West Bell Road, STE C5-471
Glendale, AZ